Explosion Problems In the Oil Drilling Industry

October 26th, 2014

Working in the oil and gas industry is very good pay but has more deaths from fires and explosions than any other private industry.

The oil and gas industry employs less than 1 percent of the U.S. workforce, but in the past five years it has had more than 10 percent of all workplace fatalities from fires and … Read More...

Fracking With Diesel In Drilling

October 25th, 2014

Government guidelines intended to protect drinking water require fracking companies to obtain permits before using diesel energy power in the process. This is in order to control and restrict the diesel from reaching depths that will affect the source of our drinking water.
Diesel contains components that can cause health problems so there has to be a way … Read More...

BC To Set The Cleanest LNG Facilities In The World

October 23rd, 2014

British Columbia’s Environment Minister Mary Polak introduced legislation On October 20, 2014 for the management of greenhouse gas emissions from the province’s burgeoning liquefied natural gas (LNG) industry.
Reports have it that the objective is to ensure that BC has the cleanest LNG facilities in the world with an intensity benchmark of 0.16 carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) tonnes … Read More...

Removing Export Barriers For U.S. Crude Oil

October 23rd, 2014

This report shows by removing export barriers for U.S. crude oil this could lead to higher domestic production, create more jobs, lower the trade deficit, and put downward pressure on gasoline prices.

America is the world’s largest producer of natural gas and projected leader in oil which could allow free trade in energy which will mean more jobs.… Read More...

FortisBC’s Expansion Construction For LNG Facility

October 22nd, 2014

The expansion will allow FortisBC to meet the growing demand for natural gas and supports the Government of British Columbia’s goal of creating a strong LNG industry in the province.

Demand for LNG has pushed FortisBC to start construction on its $400 million Tilbury LNG Facility expansion project.
This is very interesting news for B.C.’s growing LNG industry, … Read More...

5 Safety Tips for Pipeline Workers

October 22nd, 2014

Job site safety for pipeline workers is everyone’s responsibility. It is the employer’s legal and moral obligation to protect their workers from harm but employees must also do their part to ensure that members of the team are not put in harm’s way.
Below are 5 tips that are easy to follow but mean a lot in job … Read More...

Mechanic Coveralls

October 21st, 2014

Choosing from various designs of mechanic coveralls can be an interesting and often complicated task if you are not sure what you are looking for. There are so many types of protective apparel and equipment today that finding what you need is generally a lot easier than you could imagine. Mechanic coveralls are very beneficial in providing protection … Read More...

Is Flame Resistant Clothing Selection Confusing?

October 20th, 2014

When the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) implemented new fire safety regulations in 2010, it meant significant changes for those industries where electronic arc and flash fires were involved. These changes meant it was now pertinent for the industry to adopt the use of Flame-Resistant (FR) clothing.

Flame Resistant Jackets

True safety however, extends beyond the surface and one must … Read More...

Safety Protection Tip for Pipeline Workers: Perform a Thorough Job Safety Analysis (JSA)

October 19th, 2014

One of the most important processes that needs to be performed at job sites is the Job Safety Analysis (JSA). In JSA, each step that will be undertaken for specific tasks is evaluated for potential hazards.
The following are the 4 basic steps of JSA as prescribed by the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety:

1. Selecting …

Reasons On Both Sides Why Workers Don’t Use PPE

October 18th, 2014

In certain circumstances It has been discovered that personal protective equipment (PPE) such as gloves, goggles and overalls are not being used by a large enough number of the workforce.
Despite its obvious significance where safety is concerned, employees are opting to attempt working in harsh and dangerous environments without the added protection. A large number of workers … Read More...