Archive for the ‘In The Field’ Category

Tip for Pipeline Workers: Follow Safe Practices for Handling or Storing Materials

Wednesday, November 5th, 2014

Here’s another safety tip for pipeline workers which is the second post in this series:

Always follow material handling instructions as set by industry standard or the manufacturer. Efficient handling of materials helps a great deal in keeping job sites safe for all workers at the site.

Material handling entails various tasks at the job site since there … Read More...

New Era For Danish Oil and Gas Production

Tuesday, November 4th, 2014

It seems like the Danish oil and gas industry has a positive outlook regarding finding new sources of oil and gas in the Danish North Sea. No oil has been discovered in the area but that’s not stopping companies from placing bids to get licenses to explore the area.

Oil production in the country has been in the … Read More...

Tip for Pipeline Workers: Use Proper Personal Protective Equipment

Monday, November 3rd, 2014

This is the first in our series of “featured” posts this week concerning safety procedures for pipelines workers.

Here’s one of the best tips we can give pipeline workers: Use proper Personal Protective Equipment.

The use of PPE is now a job site standard for pipeline workers. Occupational Safety and Health institutions all around the globe require field … Read More...

Will Obama Lift The Ban On Exporting Crude Oil?

Sunday, November 2nd, 2014

With the US producing close to 70% more crude oil than it did just 6 years ago, it makes sense for the Obama administration to look into lifting the ban on the exportation of crude oil.

The ban, implemented in 1975, does not reflect the current capacity of the United States to produce crude oil. Aside from the … Read More...

Could Fracking Save Billions Of Dollars?

Friday, October 31st, 2014

Last year hydraulic fracturing saved the USA roughly $250 billion.

It goes to show that by implementing fracking to production levels will add to the supply side and therefore push energy prices down.
Read More….…

LNG Tanker Truck Blows Up

Friday, October 31st, 2014

LNG may not leak and spill contaminating the ground but it sure can cause an explosion and death.
Check out this video on a highway in China.



California To Implement New Safety Regulations For Oil Refineries

Thursday, October 30th, 2014

Setting new safety regulations is on the agenda for the State of California.
It has become necessary to look into safer work practices with the advent of aging refineries that were not set up with proper safety practices that would help eliminate accidents.

Failures in equipment, injury and loss of life in the oil and gas industry are … Read More...

Pipeline Containing Condensate Catches Fire

Wednesday, October 29th, 2014

In eastern Ohio a pipeline carrying condensate which is produced oil and gas processing caught fire.

It burned several acres of Monroe County woodland and burned for several hours before before the pipeline pressure dropped low enough for the fire to burn itself out.
The pipeline is owned by a joint venture between Dominion and Caiman Energy II.… Read More...

Is Water-free Fracking the Answer to The Concerns of Those Against Hydraulic Fracturing?

Wednesday, October 29th, 2014

Hydraulic Fracturing has been used commercially in the natural gas industry since 1949. In recent years, the process’ impacts on the environment have become a major concern for executives within the industry as well as residents of towns where the technology is used.

Now new waterless-fracking technologies are being introduced in the industry. Instead of water, the new … Read More...

When To Sell Your Oilfield Service Company

Tuesday, October 28th, 2014

Is it a good time to sell your oilfield service company when oil prices are up?
Are you thinking you missed out on the opportunity to sell when profits were good and now oil prices have plummeted?

Then again you may not have missed the boat after all as in the long run the boat has not sailed … Read More...